Grad Karlovac u suradnji sa GeotermiKA-om d.o.o. će ove godine organizirati uživo u Bruxellesu radionicu pod imenom “ Together for green energy transition: Sustainable and resilient energy system good practices“. Radionica će se organizirati u okviru Europskog tjedna regije i gradova 9-12.10.23 u Odboru regija EU zajedno sa drugim partnerima iz Europe: Sveučilište Szczecin u Poljskoj, općina Brønderslev u Danskoj i Europski Odbor za geotermalnu energiju (EGEC) sa sjedištem u Bruxellesu. Na radionici će se predstaviti pojedinačne primjere za proizvodnju zelene energiju, primjere i projekte. Program ćemo objaviti nakon što dobijemo točan termin radionice od strane domaćina (Odbor regija EU).

Karlovac – Workshop in the European Week of Regions and Cities 2023
The city of Karlovac in cooperation with GeotermiKA ltd. this year also organizes a live workshop in Brussels under the name “Together for green energy transition: Sustainable and resilient energy system good practices”. The workshop will be organized 9-12.10.23 during the European Week of regions and Cities in the premises of the EU Committee of Regions together with other partners from Europe: The University of Szczecin in Poland, the municipality of Brønderslev in Denmark and the European Geothermal Energy Committee (EGEC) based in Brussels. Individual examples of green energy production, practices and projects will be presented at the workshop. More information about the program will be published whrn we get the exact date and time of the worshop form the hosts ( CoR).